

亞洲民眾戲劇節協會 主辦
社區文化發展中心 協辦
非演戲的單人創意表演 -

行動=創作,身體=裝置,自編自導自作業,一個人一手包辦,坐言起行,無需綵排,隨演隨變,前衛,真實,即興,純粹,顛覆,無法定義! 無論稱為「客賓臨」(Happening)、「拉符呃」(Live Art)或是「行為藝術」(Performance Art),你是甚麼人就可以有甚麼樣的表演!

第1節 行為藝術初體驗
第2節 行為藝術中的物件及公共時空中的身體
第3節 國際行為藝術及本土現況
第4節 學員作品半公開展演

對象: 16歲以上對另類表達有慾望或誤解的朋友

導師: 丸仔

*本工作坊是亞洲民眾戲劇節協會舉辦的 2007/8香港作動計劃的一部份,該計劃獲得香港藝術發展局的資助。

2008年2月21日(星期四) 7pm-10pm
2008年2月23日(星期六) 2:30pm-5:30pm; 7pm-10pm
2008年2月25日(星期一) 7pm-10pm


名額: 12人
費用: HK$600


2891 8482 亞洲民眾戲劇節協會
9800 7169 莫昭如 / 9731 3262 Elisa Yu / 9747 8878 Eric Ng

鳴謝 : 達微慈善基金有限公司


Pangalay Workshop

Pangalay Workshop

Workshop Description
Pangalay* is a traditional Tausug dance in Jolo, Mindanao. From the root word alay which means offering, this explores movements that mimics the waves of the sea and is a dance that emphasizes the agility of the upper body.

* Pangalay also means “temple of dance” in Sanskrit. Pangalay antedates Christianity and Islam in the Philippines. Among Philippine indigenous dances, the pangalay dance style has the richest movement vocabulary. It is the closest to a classical form.

Pangalay is a living link to the traditional dance cultures of Asia with closest affinity to the Indian, Javanese, Thai, Burmese and Cambodian styles of classical dancing.
A living artifact such as the pangalay must be danced constantly, or else it dies. The beauty of the pangalay dance style is that it can be danced to any type of music—Asian as well as Western. The pangalay can be danced by anyone and everyone in the community, regardless of age or status. It can be danced in any space—be it on a boat, on a house-porch or on the beach.
Pangalay is basically pure dancing. A sense of anti-linear time pervades the slow, refined, meditative, elegant and almost hypnotic movements. The continuously flowing or seamless unfolding movement from a central core is consistent with the pre-modern mode and Eastern sense of multi-level or anti-linear time that has no definite beginning or ending. This is opposed to the Western concept of time or the metempsychosic scale.
“motion in stillness, stillness in motion"
(pangalaydance.com / alun-alun pangalay dance circle)

At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to recognize Pangalay as a form of dance and its importance as a form; mount a short-piece based on Pangalay movements; and learn the dance in a tension-free atmosphere.

date: 14,15 Jan, 08 (mon , tue)
time : 7:00pm-10pm,
total : 6 hours.
place : y-space
3/F, Flat B, Wah Fung IND. Centre, Block 1, 33-39 Kwai Fung Crescen, Kwai Chung, H.K.
fees: $400 (6 hrs / 2 lessons)
$250 ( 3 hrs / 1 lesson)
Kindly note that it will be difficult to follow if you miss the first session. So please come either to both of the sessions or just the first.

If you are interested, please contact :
Centre For Community Cultural Development 2891 8482
Eric Ng 9747 8878 、Elisa Yu 9731 3262

Make cheque payable to " Centre for Community Cultural Development Ltd" and collect at the first session of the course.


悼念一位師友 - 婉玲

在Facebook上知道了這個消息,記起妳的音容,默然欲哭......跟妳相處不多,但我永遠記得,是妳告曉我:「創作就是顛覆!」-- 也許妳不知道這句話我就此一直銘於心中。《中國在不遠處》裡Phoebe的歌聲調子此刻在我耳窩裡迴旋著。我回憶著跟妳行禪和慢慢慢慢地吃一個橙。我惦念著妳那麼溫柔的語氣。我記得妳說妳曾想過在30歲便自殺......