日本舞踏大師吉本大輔 演出《性、愛與死》
A Butoh Master’s exploration of Sex, Love and Death
吉本大輔曾與舞踏大師Kazuo Ohno, Hisayo Iwaki , Yukihiko Sakai等人共事,在過去廿多年成為獨舞者。獨樹一格的表演令他在歐美日本韓國等地聲名遠播。是次專程來港演出Eros and Thanatos[性、愛與死]。他以差不多全裸的身軀,極具張力舞動,引導觀眾沉思性、愛與死亡。慢慢地,他開始蛻變,呈現了生命的祥和。
Renowned solo Butoh dancer Daisuke Yoshimoto presents a haunting and powerful piece, Eros and Thanotos, deeply meditative about sex and death, in which he takes the audience on an evolutionary journey. Using the metaphor of the naked body as landscape in flux, he transforms himself and demonstrates the tranquility of life.
Daisuke Yoshimoto has collaborated with the greatest artists of butoh, such as Kazuo Ohno, Hisayo Iwaki and Yukihiko Sakai. Primarily a solo artist, for the past twenty years he has carved out his own unique and theatrical style. Based in Tokyo, he tours and teaches workshops internationally.
地點 Venue : 香港藝術中心麥哥利小劇場 McAulay Studio, HK Arts Centre
日期 Date : 二零零七年十一月九日 9.11.2007
時間 Time : 晚上八時正 8 PM
票價 Price : $150, $120*
(*Available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities.)
查詢及訂票 Enquiries : 2891 8482/9747 8878 Eric Ng
Tickets will be available from OCTOBER 4 at all URBTIX outlets
吉本大輔 舞踏 工作坊
Butoh Workshop by Daisuke Yoshimoto
地點: 香港葵涌葵豐街33-39號華豐工業中心第一期3字樓B室.
Venue: 3/F., Flat B, Wah Fung IND. Centre, Block 1, 33-39 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
日期及時間 : 10 Nov (Sat) 2PM–6PM, 7PM–10PM
Date and Time : 11 Nov (Sun) 10AM – 1PM, 2PM – 6PM
12 Nov (Mon) 7:30PM – 10:30PM
(共十七小時17 Hours in Total)
費用: $2,100 / $1,800(10月31日及以前報名)
Fee: $2,100 / $1,800(On or Before 31st Oct 07)
報名及查詢: (Tel) 2891 8482 / 9747 8878 Eric Ng / 9731 3262 Elisa Yu
Enquiries : (Email) info@aptfs.org (Webpage) www.aptfs.org