
《過‧渡》12月6日至9日 沙田大會堂 公演

The Crossing / Painting silence

一個女人,因以新聞作業的丈夫突然被拉進監牢,一下子發了十一個怪夢:依稀三名編號都是 0 4 9 1 2 3 的囚犯先後重疊出現,各自學習人家「塗繪緘默」的監控藝術,憧憬著一個「奴性社會」的「美麗光環」……

監製 編導 設計:何應豐
戲劇導撰 編作演員:吳偉碩
聯合監製 服裝設計 攝影:胡玲玲
音域 道具 視像創作:參與瘋祭舞台實習計劃的香港演藝學院科藝學院同學

6-9.12.2007 8pm
8-9.12.2007 3pm
$120 $90*

節目查詢 2639 5065 / 9223 2150
《過‧渡》網址 http://fanaticocrossing.blogspot.com/
瘋祭舞台網址 http://www.theatrefanatico.org/
票務查詢及留座 2734 9009
信用卡電話購票 2111 5999
網上訂票 www.urbtix.hk
瘋祭舞台主辦 康樂及文化事務署贊助 樹寧‧現在式單位贊助部份排練場地


韓國木雞劇團《浪漫.儀式.切古華拉》“Che: A Romance Ritual”

亞洲民眾戲劇節協會 促成的 第五個 有關切古華拉的演出
The Asian People's Theatre Festival Society is presenting in the 40th anniversary of Che Guevara's death,“Che: A Romance Ritual”by the Korean Group, Namoodak (Wooden Chicken, from Chuang Tsz).

The play is an adaptation of the controversial Chinese version by Hwang Jisu and was the highlight of the recent Korean People's Theatre Festival and the Korean Performing Arts Festival. After Hong Kong, it will tour Latin America where Che tried to create 1,2,3 and
more Vietnams and died 40 years ago. With parody, shadows, and images mingling together, this Korean presentation creates a surreal world using a combination of Latin American and Korean arts including shadow play, stilts, Tango, Samba and Bosanova. The dream and dedication of the man called Che still inspires.

二零零七年十一月七至八日 晚上七時三十分
7 - 8.11.2007 (wed-thu) 7:30 PM
McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre
(*Available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities. Limited tickets available on first come first served basis)

This program is conducted in Korean Dialogue

查詢Enquiries: (Tel) 2891 8482 / 9747 8878 Eric Ng
(Email) info@aptfs.org (Webpage) www.aptfs.org

主辦Presented by:
亞洲民眾戲劇節協會 Asian People's Theatre Festival Society (www.aptfs.org)
協辦Co-presented by:
社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development (www.cccd.hk)
鳴謝Supported by:
達微慈善基金有限公司 Dawei Charitable Foundation Ltd.
四五行動基金 April Fifth Action Foundation