
photo by suky
丸仔的文化藝術資訊站 copyleft(CC)2005-20XX
Performance Artist. He gets in touch with installation art in 1995. From the time onward, he explores in different art media such as writing, theatre, dance, happenings and art performance. He is very active in art workshops and he is a jamer in “contact improvisation” and “environmental improvisation” dance. He started his solo performance since 1999 and then being so called as performance art and live art. He now call his works as "MARULIVEART". 藝術自游人,身體作演者。95年開始接觸裝置藝術,其後涉獵於文字、劇場、舞蹈、偶發藝術和行為藝術等不同藝術媒體。袁氏活躍於不同類型的藝術工作坊及為「接觸即興」及「環境即興」舞者。99年開始發表其單人表演創作,早期作品多發表在「前進進戲劇工作坊」的「小小劇場運動」,其後對號入座成為「行為藝術」和「即場藝術」。袁氏現自稱其作品為「丸仔拉符呃」, 每每從生活的感覺出發,在演與不演之間探求當下即是的身體美學。
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